Indiana Construction Accident Lawyer Wishes You a Happy & Safe Halloween

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Indiana Construction Accident Lawyer Wishes You a Happy & Safe Halloween. We turn a sad corner at the home of your Indiana Construction Accident Lawyer’s house this year. My two sons are ”too old” to go Trick or Treating this year. My own view is that I was never too old, but perhaps just too tall to go out. I do remember living in Broad Ripple on Halloween when at about 9 pm the trick or treaters went from cute 8 year olds to un-costumed 18 year olds. I was tempted to give out disposable razors instead of Reese’s cups.

Growing up in South Bend in a blue collar neighborhood, we could cover a lot of houses in a small amount of time because the houses were close together. I still remember which house gave out full size candy bars, the Holy Grail of treats. In those simpler times, home made treats were still possible, with popcorn balls being a staple. I wonder if the people who gave out apples realized they were arming 10 year olds with opportunities to test their Little League arms.

It seems like it was always cold and rainy, and coats would cover up our long planned costumes. A store bought costume was never an option in our modest house, but the costume planning began when the first leaf started to turn. With such a lead time, the costume would change several times until the appointed day. The default costume was always a “Bum”, a term that would not be politically correct today, but could be easily assembled with clothes on hand.

Likewise we did not have store bought loot haulers, we used the pillowcases off our beds that were returned to duty after the Halloween candy was transferred to paper grocery bags to be hidden under our beds to prevent sibling theft.

Pumpkin carving was always a big event, with my Dad crowning off the evening by taking the lit pumpkin outside so we could see it through the window looking like it was floating in mid air. The face design was a bit different every year, but nothing like the artistry we see today. Triangles for the eyes and nose and jagged teeth was standard fare, and the illumination was always from a flickering candle.

As we got older, we expanded our Halloween repertoire into what was probably criminal trespass, the smashing of pumpkins once the “little kids” were off the street. The stealthy approach to the lit porch required equal parts bravery and stupidity, and was great preseason training for our winter sport of “bombing” cars with snowballs. I also remember a grocery clerk asking pointed questions on why exactly we needed 50 rolls of toilet paper on Oct 30.

I am looking forward to Grandchildren.

Happy Halloween!